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Historia Nigrae Silvae Ordinis Sancti Benedicti Coloniae by Gerbert, Martin, Pre-1801 I... ISBN: 9781175457837 List Price: $43.75
Sacred Classics Defended and Illustrated : Or, an Essay Humbly Offer'd Towards Proving the P... by Blackwall, Anthony, Pre-180... ISBN: 9781175497741 List Price: $36.75
History of Inventions and Discoveries by Beckmann, Johann, Pre-1801 ... ISBN: 9781176118034 List Price: $39.75
Théâtre de Quinault, Contenant Ses Tragédies, Comédies et Opera by Quinault, Philippe, Pre-180... ISBN: 9781178530544 List Price: $39.75
Observations on the Means of Exciting a Spirit of National Industry : Chiefly Intended to Pr... by Anderson, James, Pre-1801 I... ISBN: 9781173595791 List Price: $35.75
Histoire des Monts de Pieté : Avec des Réflexions Sur la Nature de Ces Établissemens by Cerreti, Giovanni Battista,... ISBN: 9781173652876 List Price: $22.75
Works of the Ever Memorable John Hales of Eaton by Hales, John, Pre-1801 Impri... ISBN: 9781173726478 List Price: $26.75
Select Works of Mr John Dennis by Dennis, John, Pre-1801 Impr... ISBN: 9781173735975 List Price: $41.75
Homere Vengé, Ou Réponse À M de la Motte Sur L'Iliade by Gacon, François, Antoine Ho... ISBN: 9781173754983 List Price: $38.75
Pleasures of Reason : Or, the Hundred Thoughts of A Sensible Young Lady by Gillet, Robert, Pre-1801 Im... ISBN: 9781173809225 List Price: $23.75
Histoire de la Reformation by Pre-1801 Imprint Collection... ISBN: 9781173835118 List Price: $53.75
Histoire de Gustave-Adolphe, Roi de Suède : Composée Sur Tout Ce Qui A Paru de Plus Curieux ... by Mauvillon, Eleazar De, Pre-... ISBN: 9781173841027 List Price: $34.75
Remarques Sur Virgile et Sur Homere, et Sur le Style Poetique de L'Ecriture-Sainte by Faydit, Pierre Valentin, Pr... ISBN: 9781173847555 List Price: $47.75
Letters Which Passed Between Count Gyllenborg, the Barons Gortz, Sparre and Others : Relatin... by (Greve), Carl Gyllenborg, P... ISBN: 9781174826931 List Price: $17.75
Lady's Magazine : Or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex, Appropriated Solely to Their U... by Pre-1801 Imprint Collection... ISBN: 9781174969188 List Price: $51.75
Nouvelle Bibliotheque des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques : Contenant L'histoire de Leur Vie, le Cat... by Louis Ellies Du Pin, Pre-18... ISBN: 9781174987144 List Price: $35.75
Lady's Magazine : Or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex, Appropriated Solely to Their U... by Pre-1801 Imprint Collection... ISBN: 9781175009654 List Price: $46.75
Reflections on Mr Wall's History of Infant-Baptism, in Several Letters to a Friend by Gale, John, Wall, William, ... ISBN: 9781175136008 List Price: $44.75
Fool of Quality : Or, the History of Henry, Earl of Moreland, Volume 1 by Brooke, Henry, Pre-1801 Imp... ISBN: 9781175855282 List Price: $29.75
Recreations Mathematical and Physical : Laying down, and Solving Many Profitable and Delight... by Ozanam, Jacques, Pre-1801 I... ISBN: 9781175864505 List Price: $43.75
Miscellaneen Literarischen Innhalts : Gröstentheils Aus Ungedruckten Quellen, Volumes 1-3 by Pre-1801 Imprint Collection... ISBN: 9781175904706 List Price: $53.75
Histoire de L'Astronomie Moderne : Depuis la Fondation de L'école D'alexandrie, Jusqu'à L'ép... by Bailly, Jean Sylvain, Pre-1... ISBN: 9781175299420 List Price: $53.75
Poetical Works of Wordsworth, with Memoir, Explanatory Notes, Etc by Wordsworth, William, Pre-18... ISBN: 9781176003439 List Price: $50.75
Fool of Quality : Or, the History of Henry, Earl of Moreland, Volume 2... by Brooke, Henry, Pre-1801 Imp... ISBN: 9781276782005 List Price: $27.75
Fool of Quality : Or, the History of Henry, Earl of Moreland, Volume 4... by Brooke, Henry, Pre-1801 Imp... ISBN: 9781277359718 List Price: $26.75
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